Teresita Corona Vázquez, MD

    Teresita Corona MD attended the Escuela Nacional Preparatoria No. 8 Miguel E. Schulz, of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (Universidad Nacional Autonoma de México, UNAM). In 2017, she was awarded an UNAM Recognition, for being a Reference for Delivery, Commitment, Values, and Achievements for New Generations of the National Preparatory School. One of the school’s Conference Halls was named “Dra. Teresita Corona Vázquez” for being an outstanding former student.

    She is a specialist in Neurology, graduated from the Faculty of Medicine at UNAM where she studied medical sciences. Dr. Corona is an Emeritus National Researcher, National Researcher System (SNI) (CONAHCYT) and Senior Researcher “F” in Medical Sciences, Mexican National Institutes of Health.

    She was a Member of the Governing Board of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) for over eight years; she was the first woman to be elected President of the National Academy of Medicine of Mexico, 2019-2020. She heads the Clinical Laboratory of Neurodegenerative Diseases, at the National Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery, where she was General Director, during 2007-2012 and 2012-2017 and Director of Teaching for ten years. She is currently Head of the Division of Graduate Studies, of the Faculty of Medicine of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM).

    Highlights from her academic activities:

    She has been a professor for 30 years at UNAM, Member of the Candidacy Committee and Tutor of the Master's and Doctorate Program in Medical, Dental and Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, UNAM. She is also a professor of Neurology at the postgraduate and undergraduate level, Faculty of Medicine, UNAM and at the Metropolitan Autonomous University UAM. She teaches the High Specialty Course in Medicine “Inflammatory, autoimmune and Demyelinating Diseases of the CNS” formerly “Multiple Sclerosis”. She is a visiting Professor, Masters in Neuroimmunology at the Graduate School of the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Vall d'Hebron Hospital.

    • She directed 65 Bachelor's, Specialty, Master’s, and Doctoral theses.
    • Has served as a Member of the Academic Committee of Neurology. 2003
    • Internal Council of Neurology. School of Medicine. UNAM. 2003
    • Member of the Clinical Area Curriculum Review Commission. School of Medicine. UNAM. 2008
    • Member of the Internal Advisory Council for Postgraduate Studies of the Faculty of Medicine, UNAM.
    • Professor Adult Neurology Specialization Course. UNAM 2010 – 2011
    • Tutor Program to Support and Promote Student Research (AFINES). School of Medicine. UNAM 2010
    • Dr. Corona served as a Member of the Governing Board of the Regional High Specialty Center of Chiapas (2007-2010), (2010-2014). Member of the Governing Board of the National Institute of Genomic Medicine (2008-2012) (2016-2020). Member of the Governing Board of the National Rehabilitation Institute (2009-2013) (2013-2017). Currently, she is a Member of the Governing Board of the National Institute of Psychiatry (2018-2022).

    Likewise, she is a member of various national and international committees, such as the World Federation of Neurology, G7+ Strategic Working Group. Global Action Against Dementia of the World Health Organization (WHO); World Dementia Council (WDC); of the Environmental Neurology Specialty Group (ENSG - RISE - WFN). International Women in Multiple Sclerosis (IWIMS Women in MS). Franco-Mexican Strategic Council (CEFM). Since 2016 she is a Member of the Health Committee of the Gonzalo Río Arronte Foundation, I.A.P. Corresponding Foreign Academic of the Royal Academy of Medicine and Surgery of the Region of Murcia, Spain. Member of the Scientific Program Committee, World Federation of Neurology, WCN 2023 (WFN). March 2022; Nominating Committee of the WFN Member World Federation of Neurology (WFN) 2022 2024. Associate Full Member of the National Academy of Medical Education. B.C. (ACANEMED). Member of the Gender Commission of the National Academy of Medicine of Mexico 2023.

    Dr. Corona has received multiple recognitions, including Awards from the Latin American Committee for Treatment and Research (LACTRIMS) for the works titled DRB1*0403 and Multiple Sclerosis, An Association of Susceptibility in Mexican Mestizos and Preliminary Observations on APOE Allele 4 and the Progression of Disability in Multiple Sclerosis in 2002. Recognition of Merit for Public Health Professionals “Doctor Manuel Velasco Suárez”, General Health Council (CSG) (2008); Women in Health Award “Women of Mexico”, Chamber of Deputies, Foro Femenino, A.C., (2010). First Place, Co-author of the Latin American Multicenter Study to Evaluate Cognitive and Psychiatric Deficits in Multiple Sclerosis – RELACCEM at the IV Latin American Congress of Multiple Sclerosis. LACTRIMS (2010). Professional Merit in Public Health, Clinical Research, “Doctor Miguel Otero” Award (CSG) (2011). She dictated the “Dr. Antonio Subirana Oller" Conference, Ibero-American Neurologists where she was awarded a recognition of her work in Ibero-America, Spanish Society of Neurology (2013). She was awarded the “Dr. Eduardo Liceaga” Decoration, (CSG), for her Distinguished Contribution to Remarkable Advances in Medical Sciences and Health Care Administration (2015); She received Recognition of University Merit, for the academic work carried out for 25 years at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) (2016); Recognition from the Ministry of Health and the Governing Board of the National Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery, for her outstanding tenure as General Director (2017); Recognition of Medical Merit 2019, for lifetime achievement and was distinguished by its recognized vocation for service and dedication to the training of generations of doctors (CSG) (2019), the highest award given to a physician in Mexico.


    As General Director of the National Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery, which serves as UNAM’s teaching unit, aware of the impact and significance of the need to train highly trained professionals, she managed to develop 17 new subspecialties and postgraduate courses, all accredited by UNAM, that trained students under international standards, these include:

    • endovascular therapy
    • spinal surgery
    • cerebral vascular disease
    • Neuropsychiatry
    • neurological rehabilitation
    • neurological intensive therapy
    • Endoneurosurgery and skull base surgery
    • Parkinson's disease and movement disorders
    • Cognitive aging and dementia
    • Neurobiology of schizophrenia
    • Neuroendocrinology
    • Neurogenetics
    • Neuroinfectology
    • Neurology emergencies,
    • neuromuscular diseases
    • Nuclear neurosciences and
    • Neuro-oncology

    Also, eight new laboratories were created:

    1. Peripheral Unit for the study of Neuroinflammation due to Infectious Diseases, in collaboration with the UNAM Biomedical Research Institute.
    2. Neuro-immuno-endocrinology Laboratory, for the study of the comprehensive regulation of the nervous, immune, and endocrine systems through common receptors and messengers.
    3. Laboratory of Molecular and Cellular Neurobiology, in collaboration with the Faculty of Chemistry of the UNAM.
    4. Neuro-Oncology Laboratory.
    5. Experimental Laboratory of Neurodegenerative Diseases and the Peripheral Neurosciences Unit, in collaboration with the UNAM Faculty of Medicine.
    6. Clinical Laboratory of Neurodegenerative Diseases.
    7. Experimental Neurology Laboratory.
    8. Cellular Re-programming Laboratory, in collaboration with the Institute of Cellular Physiology of the UNAM.
    9. “Rosario Barroso Moguel” Pathology Museum.

    In the Promotion of research programs in Nursing and Social Work, the working collaboration with the National School of Social Work of the UNAM was strengthened and the number of scholarship recipients from the PROBEI Research Scholarship Program increased. Research in the Coordinating Commission of National Institutes of Health, and High Specialty Hospitals, in Nursing and Social Work laboratories was also fostered.

    Dr. Corona has had a longstanding keen interest in cultural dissemination, in addition to teaching and research, she has participated in numerous conferences where she studied historical figures linked to medicine, aimed at undergraduate students, in medical conferences, as well as to the public. Her topics of interest include Art and Neuropsychiatry, “Felipe Valle” Conference in Art and Neurology, in 2014 she was a speaker at the Painting and Medicine Symposium of the National Academy of Medicine of Mexico with the topic “Painting and Creativity. Van Gogh's Starry Night. Other titles include Neurosciences and Art, Neuropsychiatry of Art. In 2018, she participated in the Aleph Festival of Art and Science. Brain and Intelligence Frontiers, convened by the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), with the topic of The Artistic Brain; last June 2022, she delivered the conference on Art and Neuropsychiatry, at the Closing Ceremony of Medical Interns of Social Service. School of Medicine.

    Her publications have studied the link between creativity and mental illness. During her tenure as General Director of the National Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery, she invited Guillermo Ceniceros to complete the mural “Brief history of Neurology.” In addition, concerts were held in the auditorium and outside the institute, such as the Commemorative Concert for the 50th anniversary of the Institute, which took place in the Sala Nezahualcoyotl, in 2014; in addition to cultural sessions of dance and performances from various regions in Mexico as well as internationally, she organized painting workshops for both artists and patients. She created the “Cinema debate”, that included weekly sessions covering medical, cultural, and controversial issues.

    She is a member of the Mexican Academy of Writers

    Member of the Editorial Committee of the Electronic Magazine Entreciencias, National School of Higher Studies (ENES) Unidad León, UNAM.

    She is a regular contributor of the Gaceta de la Facultad de Medicina, Faculty of Medicine Gazette

    She published in Mixcoac Magazine, from academia to society, National Preparatory School No. 8, from which she is a graduate, with the topics “Gender violence in the field of health” (2016) and “The Neurology in Creativity” (2020).

    In February 2022 she published “Los Adioses” in the University of Mexico Magazine.

    She recently founded the Digital Magazine Medicine and Culture, Division of Graduate Studies, UNAM (2023).

    Another activity of great importance for Dr. Corona and one of her priorities is to address the gender gap that exists in Mexico in professional areas and society at large, in order to promote equal opportunities for women; With this in mind, since 2000 she dictated various conferences where she described the gender gap in education, teaching, health personnel and among researchers, locally and worldwide, in order to disseminate these inequities and raise awareness to reduce them. She has participated in multiple forums such as the National Academy of Medicine of Mexico, where in addition to the lectures given, she was co-editor of the Book “Women and Health in Mexico”, that included a collection of the 150 Years of the Academy; where her contribution included the chapter “Cognitive Impairment and Dementia in Older Adults: risk factors, prevention and public policies.” Another forum is the Institute of Neurobiology. Campus Juriquilla, in the Women and Science Cycle, both from the National Autonomous University of Mexico, the La Salle University, the National Institute of Cancerology and Lactrims meetings. Gender in medicine was also the subject of her entrance presentation to the Royal Academy of Medicine and Surgery of the Region of Murcia (2023).

    During her tenure, she increased the number of female neurosurgeons at the National Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery and published the following articles: Insertion of Women in Science. Gac Med Mex 2009; 145(1):71-76 and Women in Neurosurgery at the National Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery (INNN). Gac Med Mex. 2017; 153:279-82. Currently, she has various publications on gender under review in scientific journals.